Corporate Mega-Donations


Rural shelters were given a fantastic opportunity in November 2015.
Piko-Pet Food Ltd. in Füzesabony contacted us and offered food donations. We were more than happy to help them organizing the process. We were honored to be able to assist the donation with the coordination of distribution and organizing freights. Shelters were likewise happy when we called them and let them know about the donation.

Piko-Pet Food Ltd. distributed 2 full truckloads of premium dog food to dogs in need. The millions of HUF worth donation was very unique, as companies rarely offer such a huge help to shelters in the northern parts of Hungary and at the Northern Great Plain. Thanks to this donation, the feeding of more than 2700 dogs was solved temporarily.

Hungarian animal rights organizations are in a particularly disadvantaged situation. There are few shelters, which receive financial support to cover the costs of taking care of orphaned animals. Due to irresponsible husbandry practices, shelters struggle with full house. Hungarians „produce” more dogs than owners.

Shelters in the northern parts of Hungary and at the Northern Great Plain are in an even worse situation than the national average. They receive animals given off by irresponsible owners or wounded or sick animals found on the streets every single day. There are a lot more cases than space in the shelter.

Piko-Pet Food Ltd. is active in the region and thus well aware of the problem. The stuff is fond of dogs, so the idea of donation was quickly formulated.

Sándor Tóth Jr., the executive manager of the company said that it was a great pleasure for them to be able to help 20 animal rights organizations and a total of 2700 animals within two weeks. This significant donation helped to solve the feeding of dogs for a longer period of time.

It is quite extraordinary in the corporate sector that a newly started company offers a donation of this magnitude. Their help gains even more significance due to the fact that it was realized in the field of animal rights protection and in a less supported area. The quantity of the mega donation makes it a real Christmas wonder 🙂

(One of the main purposes of our work is to help shelters to find their supporters locally, including local companies and individuals.)

The distribution of the food continued until September 2016, which has helped thousands of animals.

The more than 100 tons of food donations gave animal welfare organizations a little breathing space. The number of stray animals and the overpopulation derived from irresponsible animal husbandry did not decrease. But there was no food shortage for a few months at least.


Some of the donated organizations:
  • Ózdi Hérosz
  • Miskolci Állategészségügyi Telep kutyáinak Támogató Köre
  • Miskolc – Tappancstanya Állatvédő Egyesület
  • Miskolc – Minimentő Állatvédők
  • Miskolc – Tündérmajor Állatvédő Egyesület
  • Borsodi Állatvédőrség
  • Füzesabonyi Állatvédő Alapítvány
  • Edelényi Állategészségügyi Telepünk
  • Kisvárda – Ugat-Lak Kutyamenhely
  • Sátoraljaújhely – Zemplén Gazdátlan Állataiért Alapítvány
  • Püspökladány – Az Elhagyott Állatokért Első Sárréti Regionális Állatvédő Egyesület
  • Karcag – Kunkarcagi Állatvédő és Állatbarát Egyesület
  • Nyírmada – Kóborlók Állatvédelmi Egyesülete
  • Csévharaszt – Luca Menedéke
  • Őrbottyán – Léleklánc Állatvédő Alapítvány
  • Kiskunhalas – Mancs a Kézben Kutyamentő Alapítvány
  • Ózdi gyepmesteri telep és polgárőrség
  • Sárospatak – Manduláshegyi Állatotthon
  • Gyöngyös – Új Nap Egyesület
  • Befogad-lak Törökszentmiklósi Alapitvány
  • Derecskei Állatbarátok Közhasznú Egyesülete
  • Tiszafüred – Kutyamentés Állatvédő Alapítvány
  • Szentendrei Árvácska Állatvédő Egyesület
  • HEROSZ Ózdi Szervezete
  • Budapest – Futrinka Fajtamentő Egyesület
  • Hatvan – Kutyaszív Állatmentő Alapítvány
  • Budapest – Állat és ember Állatvédő Egyesület
  • KUCI Kisállatmenhely Alapítvány
  • Debrecen – Puli Állatvédő Egyesület
  • Szerencsi Kóborkák Alapítvány

Many thanks for

Piko-Pet Food Kft.!